A LITTLE PULL FROM A BUDDY displays a...... couple of cadets helping one another into their space suits. Drawing is by Art-Bob who offers an 8x10 print $1. Set of 10 4x5 prints $5.

Catalog $1 (applicable as credit on first order). Art Bob 16 N. Avenue 56, Los Angeles 42, California.

"ALADDIN'S SLAVE" by Art Bob was drawn to launch. AMG's film "Aladdin," though we must admit that the geniin the film (played by Van Duke Lavanchi who is

seen on page 23 of this issue) is not quite so glamorous--but the artist can always let his imagination run wild.

Art Bob has many studies which have not yet been published which are illustrated in his $1 cotolog. The price of the catalog can be applied as credit on your first order and you keep the catalog. Write Art Bob at 1611 N. Avenue 56, Los Angeles 42, California,

MUST WE AGREE? All of us are occassionally distressed to find ourselves at great disagreement with a friend with whom we were certain we saw eye-to-eye on almost everything. There then the strong temptation to feel, one no longer has anything in common with his "former" friend. Countless friendships have ended for such a foolish reason. On the other hand, does having some particular interest in common with another person constitute a valid reason to become blood brothers?

For example most everyone who reads Physique Pictorial and other physique books (except the censors who are only concerned with faultfinding) constitute a strong selective group. But how much alike are the various members of this group? Does the fact that they both read physique books give two people more in common than the fact they are both Catholics, or Republicans, or members of the Communist underground, or collectors of train and street-car pictures, etc. We often get letters requesting pen-pals of other physique book readers because they feel such readers would share so many of their own interests. But the truth is that without deliberately forcing an overlap of interests, the resultant association might have to be made up of a dull repetoire of banalities which would bore both and satisfy neither.

Shockingly enough many of us might find more interests among people who are either indifferent to or in some cases actually antagonistic to physique books. The important point is that we do not need to share all of our interests with all of our friends and we should neither be disturbed nor annoyed when they show Indifference to our pet projects. Of course, when a particular interest or hobby takes up a good portion of our time we do well in selecting at least some friends who share our enthusiasm. But even then we must be prepared for divergences of opinions in other phases of our association. In evaluating our friends, we should give great consideration to the factors we share in common, the negative factors being regarded only in-so-far as they make for true incompatibility. If we are completely honest with ourselves we may often find our best friends and associations coming out of groups we formerly felt to be so "different" as to be quite unsuitable candidates for our friendship. 16

MOVIE WRITERS ENCOURAGED. Our request for movie scripts have brought us some wonderful efforts. Some of the writers were a bit ambitious, and let their imaginations run considerably beyond what we would be able to achieve and create with our rather limited facilities. For instance, though a garden hose might well serve to provide "rain" in a garden or outside a window, we might have to wait! many months to show a pair

of motorcyclist riding about in the rain as one script writer indicated (since this gave the cyclists an excuse to remove their clothing). Films cannot last much more than 6 minutes to be financially practical. This doesnt allow time to unfold an involved drama, nor can more than a couple of actors be effectively presented. Yet the stories should have "body" (a strong and timely theme), and at least a little plot and plot twist whenever possible. Having Joe Blow meet John Doe and having the two of them workout, pose for each other, go swimming, shower and then go to bed can get to be a bit monotonous after the 20th script. Writers should look for new and interesting variety of presentation, and yet keep in mind that at least part of the body should be in evidence as early as possible in the film, and the display muscles in action should be amply provided for within the plot

The pictures are silent and dialogue titles are old fashioned, so whatever the actor thinks or "says" must be presented visually, and we need your help to tell us how this should be accomplished. We also appreciate all ideas you have on selecting locations, preparing props etc., as such factors can become almost insurmountable problems for us.

Many ideas which may be too ambitious for movies may be worked out as still photo productions. When ideas are used the sender will receive free of charge a movie and/or copies of stills. Send to AMG 1834 West 11th street Los Angeles 6, California.